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Chicago Family Law Attorneys

Providing Comprehensive Legal Support in Cook County, DuPage County, Lake County, Winnebago County, Kane County, and McHenry County in Illinois.

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At Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd., we offer a wide range of family law services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing compassionate, strategic, responsive and effective legal support across all aspects of family law. Below are the categories of services we offer:

A person with a light pink manicure is putting a diamond ring on their finger outdoors, dressed in a white garment. Nearby, the serene environment could almost make you forget that Arlington Heights business law attorneys are just around the corner, ready to assist with legal expertise.

Divorce: Our legal team offers comprehensive support for those navigating the divorce process. We focus on achieving fair settlements and ensuring proper legal representation for our clients, addressing all aspects of the separation, from filing to final decrees.

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Two people sit across from a Chicago divorce attorney at a desk with a gavel and wedding rings, suggesting a legal or divorce proceeding.

High Net Worth Divorce: We provide strategic legal services for high net worth individuals, ensuring equitable division of substantial assets and addressing complex financial implications with discretion and expertise.

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A baby in a car seat holds a toy steering wheel while an adult, possibly distracted by thoughts of needing advice from Orland Park divorce attorneys, attends to another child in the background.

Child Custody (Parenting Time): Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd. assists clients in resolving child custody and parenting time disputes, prioritizing the children’s best interests while advocating for fair and practical arrangements.

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A young child with curly hair and a colorful backpack holds an adult's hand while walking outside on a paved path, much like one might confidently navigate the legal pathways with the guidance of a Chicago divorce lawyer.

Child Removal and Relocation: We guide clients through the legal challenges associated with child removal and relocation, ensuring decisions comply with custody agreements and the child’s best interests.

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A woman and a young boy sit closely on a couch. The woman, who sought advice from Tinley Park family law attorneys, gently rests her hand on the boy's head while they both look ahead. The boy has his hand on his cheek.

Child Support: Our attorneys assist with establishing, modifying, and enforcing child support orders, ensuring fair contributions towards the costs of raising children and compliance with Illinois law.

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A judge's gavel separates two miniature houses on a wooden table, symbolizing property division or real estate decision, often requiring the expertise of Chicago divorce attorneys.

Partition Cases: We offer legal assistance in partition cases, helping co-owners of property navigate the division process to ensure equitable outcomes for all parties involved.

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An adult hand gently cradles a pair of tiny baby feet, offering a sense of comfort and security often needed during challenging times. The background is softly blurred, much like the support provided by Orland Park divorce attorneys in navigating difficult life transitions.

Paternity/Parentage (Unmarried Couples): Our services include legal support for establishing or contesting paternity, helping secure rights and responsibilities for children and parents alike.

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Wooden gavel and blocks spelling

Post-Divorce Matters: We provide ongoing support for post-divorce issues, including modifications to orders and enforcement, ensuring that agreements continue to reflect clients’ needs and legal standards.

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A person in a dark suit signs a document on a white table using a pen, embodying the precision and expertise that Cook County business attorneys bring to their clients.

Postnuptial Agreements: Our team assists couples in drafting postnuptial agreements after marriage, offering protection and clarity on financial matters and marital rights.

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Close-up of a prenuptial agreement document next to an open red ring box containing two gold wedding bands, as advised by a Chicago divorce lawyer.

Prenuptial Agreements: We help couples establish prenuptial agreements before marriage, setting clear financial understandings and protections to safeguard both parties’ futures.

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A worried man sits with his head in his hand among moving boxes, while a woman holding a child stands in the background, perhaps contemplating reaching out to Orland Park divorce attorneys.

Property Division: We offer legal services in the fair and equitable division of marital assets and debts, ensuring clients receive a just portion of the marital estate in accordance with Illinois law.

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A rainbow flag is held aloft during a crowded parade, with a colorful balloon arch visible in the background and people celebrating—meanwhile, Cook County business attorneys join the festivities.

Same-Sex Marriage: Our attorneys provide tailored legal support for same-sex couples in matters of marriage, civil unions, and divorce, addressing unique family law challenges with understanding and expertise.

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A woman with blonde hair is sitting indoors, holding her temples, and looking down with a concerned expression. A person in a white shirt is partially visible in the background, likely discussing matters with Arlington Heights business law attorneys.

Spousal Support/Alimony: We offer guidance and representation in spousal support cases, advocating for fair maintenance agreements whether clients seek to receive or are required to provide financial support.

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A man and a woman sit on a couch with arms crossed, looking away from each other. Both are wearing glasses and casual sweaters. The room is softly lit, capturing the tension that might lead them to seek advice from Chicago divorce attorneys.

Silver Divorce: Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd. addresses the unique challenges faced by individuals going through a divorce later in life, providing experienced legal support for navigating these complex cases.

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At Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd., we understand the personal and sensitive nature of family law issues. Our approach is rooted in clarity, wisdom, and extensive legal expertise. We are committed to offering transparent counsel and ensuring clients fully comprehend their legal standing. Our seasoned attorneys, with over 30 years of experience, bring a wealth of knowledge to every case, guiding you through complex legal landscapes with strategies tailored to protect your rights and interests.

For personalized legal support and to learn more about our family law services, contact Corri Fetman & Associates, Ltd. at 312-341-0900. Our team is ready to assist you with your family law needs, providing the dedicated and effective representation you deserve.

Knowledgeable, Candid and Experienced

At Corri Fetman & Associates, our approach is rooted in clarity, wisdom, and extensive legal expertise. We offer transparent counsel, ensuring clients fully comprehend their legal standing. Our seasoned attorneys, with over 30 years of experience, bring a wealth of knowledge to every case, guiding you through complex legal landscapes with a strategy tailored to protect your rights and interests.

A circular question mark icon is displayed within a white rounded square, complemented by overlapping green and purple squares in the background, reminiscent of the precision and expertise offered by Orland Park divorce attorneys.


Whether you are faced with a dispute or need legal advice to fully protect your rights, the attorneys at Corri Fetman & Associates can provide the help you need.

Icon of a judge's gavel striking a sound block, with teal and purple squares in the background, reminiscent of a Chicago divorce lawyer's professional emblem.


With a rich history spanning three decades, Corri Fetman & Associates brings a depth of experience to the table. Our seasoned lawyers have navigated a myriad of cases, offering you seasoned guidance grounded in a proven track record of success.

An icon featuring two overlapping speech bubbles, one with a smiling face. The background includes teal and purple squares, perfectly capturing the approachable demeanor of a Chicago divorce lawyer.


We believe in transparent and straightforward legal counsel. Our attorneys are committed to giving you clear, honest advice, ensuring you understand every option and the potential outcomes for your case.

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